Friday, August 17, 2007

orange belts and fireworks

Received my orange belt today in Tang Soo Do. Now it's on to the intermediate belts, starting with 2 greens. Today we met here, and did our moves in our driveway. Wow. What a work out!

My port site is better, praise God. Rachel actually helped me take of the tape today and did a great job. Hannah got all goofy and Nathan can't even look at it, Teresa was afraid of hurting me, but Rachel peeled it right off! It is a little puffy and red. It is sore still but doing better..

I can't quite tell how I'm going to pull this blogging off. If this replaces my journal entries for me personally, one of them will have to go. (and it won't be my journal)

I find myself not wanting to go in on Wednesday. I find that any comment regarding my second time of chemo, (even if meant for good), can get much mileage out of by emotions are like a roller coaster is way too easy to listen to the bad and ignore the good...and then if I'm not careful, it makes me fearful. Trust me, you cannot go into that room, sit in that chair, watch the drugs go into your body, and be afraid. Oh Jesus, give me strength! Filter my mind with your Word!

So it is back to the battle of the mind.. I need to go to bed and read Psalm 91 OUTLOUD.

We watched fireworks tonight. They were awesome!

My teeth hurt, my gums ache and my hair is still here--but I don't know for how much longer.

I had an awesome time of prayer today....Jesus has been such a sweet presence to my tattered soul...

I'm thankful for:

The "drizzely" kind of fireworks
My son who makes awesome white chili
A husband who kisses me during the fireworks and tells me he loves me and is crazy about me...
Big bank deposits from samaritan ministries brothers and sisters in Christ for our medical bills
Little girls playing with a puppy
Rachel's determination to get off my tape today
Cool nights for sleeping with windows wide open
My mom coming home tomorrow!
Sweet times of prayer


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