The little index shaped box comes to our dinner table, car, restaurants, even into our beds.. It beckons of instant self gratification, "likes", shares and messaging..
I have gotten caught in this web and what I have discovered is that I become very
Self aware. Absorbed. Life as I used to live, well, it becomes about ME.
A few days ago, I had to free myself from this net. For a while. I need a fresh view of living..
I've discovered I'm not thinking
About what someone who I do not know said to some ..I do know in a "thread."
..thinking "did I just offend someone?"
"is that what so-n-so meant?
Or entire evenings whittled away by a knife called (insert current social media hubabaloo)
Last night I was running outside to catch a view of the orange orb sun, slipping through the trees--
And hauling the hose to my thirsty flowers and hearing the hummingbird whiz past my head!
if I could see a meter, like the one attached to my home, that measures this social media usage like it measures electricity ---wow.
In real living, I can see the italics..I can read the body language and hear the heavy sighs.
On the world wide web, most of the time, I
Yes there are exceptions- posts that challenge, encourage and build me up.
But for some reason I am still trying to decipher,
I would rather read recipes, political rants and memes that have links with filthy
Swear words..
This is why I unplugged my social media cord. Permanently? Time will tell.
I know this doesn't flow well.
Random thoughts typed on an "I" phone rarely, for me anyhow, seem coherent.
Be blessed this Independence day!
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