Saturday, December 4, 2010

Backwards Migration

This past week, a silver birdie "flew" into my home. From the south to the north, thus the title, backward migration! It bore a message that quickened my soul--it perches upon a rock simply stating, H-O-P-E.
I also received a book entitled 101 simple and thoughtful ways to give this Christmas away by Matthew West,
the most beautiful, hand crafted bracelet with a bead resembling the silver birdie!!

I won a friend's giveaway she had on her blog. I was supposed to tell how we "do Christmas differently."
Here's what I wrote:
"We have only done Christmas "differently" since cancer came to our home in 2007 (My brave friend Bonnie is a cancer survivor) . That year, it was only homemade gifts. Period. No cheating with stocking stuffers either. That was my favorite Christmas ever. Precious. Tender. Lasting. This year we are planning on a mild version of stocking stuffers and then going for a long weekend together. All of us. Christmas has always been about people, not stuff.

She drew my name out of her name basket, and there I was!!! Yippee!!!!

Thank you Tina, you bless my heart so incredibly! The proceeds from her beautiful braclets go to support babies at the Morning Star Family Home in Beijing, China. She writes, "The tiny bird bead represents hope that one day, every orphan, big and small, will be chosen and free-to fly away home."
Here's the link to that site: http:/

Yes indeed, that tiny birdie represents hope and I can hardly wait til the snow melts to place his declaration in our HOPE garden!!

Thank you Lord for fun gifts! You are HOPE Lord. You alone.

You are Faithful,

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