Friday, November 18, 2011

27 years my love

( I stole a kiss after the bride and groom walked down the aisle!!!!!)

My 23 year old son posted this on the book of face yesterday--

What is love? The best and most potent example to me is the love displayed by my parents. The love that endured all the hardships, the love the fought the cancer, the love that fights the pain of lost ones, the love that survived when the money was gone, the love that was not based on self wants, desires and selfish ambitions, the love that always says "I do" when others would have not, the love that is selfless no matter what happens, the love that always forgives, the love that is in a slow dance or in a soft kiss, The love that is in a child's first cry held in a mothers arms, the love that survives because it is from our Lord The Christ. The love of my parents

Happy Anniversary honey---I am glad God chose you for me.

Thank you for loving me like Christ loves the church and gave Himself for her...

Your bride,

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