Pack a shoebox JACK
If you've never done the boxes for Operation Christmas Child, I would ask, why not?
The best thing about these boxes are not the toys/gifts, it is the Good News of Jesus Christ presented in a booklet, in their own language. You'll see a graduation of sorts at the end of the video; that is because these kids go to classes, hear and learn about Jesus and then they "graduate" with a certificate of completion.
Yes, they get toys and presents, but to be able to hear about the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ?
One day, I would love to go with them to distribute these boxes..oh what a joy that would be!
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My friend Becky is so very close to Heaven's gates...she dictated the following letter yesterday..
Becky wanted me to send you the following:
My time is very short. I wanted to thank you for your love through the years. Thank you also for your faithfulness in praying for me. Please do not stop now. Please pray that I finish well.
I love you,Becky
[The doctor is giving her only a few days at most. We will all miss her. Thank you again for your love and prayers. Please do not stop praying now. Right now she is surrounded by family and friends. What a blessing. God bless you. Love and aloha, Dave]
Such a precious woman..Jesus will be hugging her a long, long time I think...please pray for her family..this is so very painful..we are all going to miss her greatly..
Tim and I attended a total joint clinic today; like a education class regarding physcial therapy, how to move around, which devices to use,hospitalization, nutrition, etc. I discovered I cannot shave EITHER of my legs 4 days before surgery!! Gross!!
They don't want you to knick your legs, thus creating an avenue for bad bacteria.....
Both legs..oh yuck..
November 18 is the day..please pray I will operate in Holy Spirit power,not me power. By this I mean, I don't want to succumb to fear and anxiety..I hate taking drugs but I'm going to have to. Most of this is a mental
battle for me. Surgery? Piece of cake. I have two mastectomies behind me, chemo and radiation, and the precious faithfulness of God's provision and presence through it all..Has God changed? Heaven's no! God's Word says' "He(God) is the same yesterday, today and forever." That is tangible for me and my family--we have experienced it and going into another surgery, recovery time, we will again..thank You Lord..
Please pray I will not have any adverse reactions to the drugs AND for God to provide for us before and after the surgery..
we have much to do here to "get ready" for winter and stuff in the house that's in great need of repair..and it weighs on me..
Please pray for me to "let go" and trust? Thanks...
God is faithful,
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