Funny. I entitled my last post "A Slice of life, take 2"
and that's what a CT scan does--it takes slices of pictures
in high definition,of your body.
The latest news is this: After reviewing the last CT scan two radiologists have decided the "lesion"
is a fracture trying to heal.
Two. Thank You Jesus..
I see my oncologist the 13th of May to go over all this; I have no doubt in my mind she'll want to have another test/scan to determine if the "lesion" is gone.
I have no idea how I fractured my rib?
God has once more proven His faithfulness to me, to my family.
Truth is, no one knows their life from one day to the next.
I can plan and attend events, go on vacations, trips and the grocery store.
I can update my prayer lists and tell people good news.
I can call my elite squad of prayer warriors and tell them how fearful I am
and in quiet tones, whisper, "I don't know what I'm gonna do if this is cancer.."
I said that.
James 1 tells me that I am to "count it all joy when I encounter various trials,
knowing that the testing of my faith produces endurance, and let endurance
have its perfect result.."
How do you count some possible clump of cancer cells on your bone, as joy?
I think it means the when of it. WHEN I encounter a trial
I am to think of it coming into my life as joy
because it
will produce
for more trials
I encounter.
The little word "let"
means I have to
allow the trial
to consume me
with God's
with Who He is
and How He will help
Thank You God for You are full of strength.
You are my truth.
You are the One Who holds me till my days on
earth are complete.
Thank You for Your very present help
in all this fear inducing trial.
I love you
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