Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No more dog swiping

I found this quotation in Beth Moore's book, Praying God's Word, the other night.
Tim was reading to me as I lay in bed, in absolute AGONY with a back injury, taking a trip on Darvocet....
I was out walking with my dogs, trudging up the power line hill and the one dog was being extra dumb and stupid. The snow was up to my knees, my knees were straight and I took swipe at his rear to punish him....
PAIN like I haven't felt since childbirth, rocked my pelvis, my lower back...I cried for about 2 minutes..I could not believe how badly it hurt!! I look back now and bet God smiled because I'm like"God I am SO SORRY I hit the dog, I WILL NEVER do it again, PLEASE HELP me get off this hill and down to the house..." I must've looked like a blubbering crazy woman!!
We made it, God and I, step, by pain filled step, and I burst into tears once more as I hit the mud room door.
I couldn't even go potty without my precious husband helping me get down that low--it was not fun!! For better or worse.....
Today it is better--I was actually able to go to the ski day for homeschoolers and sit all day. No skiing, just helping. Right now, it just feels like bad cramps...

ANYHOW, back to the quotation. Tim was reading to me to calm my heart and I happened across this jewel by George Matheson in Streams in the Desert:

"Thou, O Lord canst transform my thorn into a flower. And I want my thorn transformed into a flower. Job got the sunshine after the rain, but has the rain been all waste? Job wants to know, I want to know, if the shower had nothing to do with the shining. And Thou canst tell me--Thy cross can tell me. Thy hast crowned Thy sorrow. Be this my crown, O Lord. I only triumph in Thee when I have learned the radiance of the rain."

Once you get past the "st" verbiage, it sinks deep. Did people truly speak that way??

Prayer please for my brother.
He finally met with the oncologist yesterday after his surgery 3 weeks ago.
The oncologist and the surgeon both think he may need more radiation, by specialists at U of M.
(boo hiss, but this once I'll be okay with it!) There is some kind of tissue directly on his caratid artery, so another PET scan in two weeks may/may not be able to determine if it is cancerous.
Pray he will "not lean on his own understanding but in all his ways, acknowledge God" Prov. 3:5-6
Pray he will know God's peace.
Pray that tissue is scar tissue and nothing more.

Thank you.

He is faithful,
A reformed dog swiper(honest)

1 comment:

Waitingfaithfully said...

Swiper, no Swiping . . . watched any Dora lately? Me either. Sorry to hear about your back, OUCH! I'm relieved that you are feeling better.

Great quote! It reminds me of my "Storms and Rainbows" posts. Learning the "radiance of the rain"--tough stuff . . . good stuff. . . all God stuff!

I'll be praying for Steve, and his family (all of you)!

Blessings to you friend ~
