Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Brother

The day of your life's celebration, this song came on the radio in Mom's little blue Binga mobile. On M-66. A sister's heart and a mother's heart torn with anguish..yet we knew this song was God's gift to our crushed, splayed open hearts..

The year before, I had made a german chocolate cake for your birthday and sent down some man sized pieces just for you!
Your response cracked me up "That was a great cake, I wish u could send me a whole cake.. Love you."
A few weeks later, I did! Your response?
"u r a good cook and a great sister."

Thank you Steve for saying that. You are such an encouragement to my heart. I say ARE because I believe with all my heart, you are able to witness life here on earth. I also believe you are able to pray for those you care about. I believe you are still very much alive, but not here. Heaven is your new home.

What do you see now I wonder? Could you see your mother today, walking up and down our driveway? Could you hear her cries, her prayers? Did you see her pause and look for life sprouting in your HOPE garden? Did you see my daughter push back her chair from the school work and hug me as I witnessed it?

Did you hear me sing Happy Birthday?

Oh Jesus, help me believe what You have promised.

Be with Steve's family and cover them with Your wings tonight..bless them Lord God.

I miss you Brother-HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Thank you for loving me,
Your sister always---

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