Thursday, February 2, 2012

Manifold grace

Tim's hernia repair went off without any troubles.  I have had the "shoe on the other foot" now.  Blue hair bonnet, hospital gown, IV in, shaved belly, betadine orange hue, those smells...oh many times he has been there for me, and I stand next to him now. I cannot even pray because I'm swallowing a lump-- but my heart is grateful God's presence there, for a friend administering the "sleep juice", for a great surgeon and my son coming and helping his dad in recovery.

9 days post op brings humility.  For him. No work. Lots of computer mumbo jumbo.  For me,  tending the fire, poking around, breaking the maul handle (!) hurting my shoulder, arm and bumping up my asthma a tad..making sure we eat nutritious meals, except for the one the Other Night.  The rice was still crunchy and we had to go..

Seeing his incision was the most painful for me because it was his flesh, cut, healing and being held with steri strips.  My lover's and my best friends...we are able to sleep curled up in each other's arms finally and that too is a grace..

Serving someone who is hurting comes easy for me.  I believe it is because I am operating within my spiritual gifting of mercy.

Moments have handed me opportunities.  Grateful or grumble?  I must confess I grumbled.  Much.  Gratefulness counteracts grumpiness quite nicely.  A powerful boost to my tattered soul.

Here is a list of my gratitude moments these past few days:

A friend has been loading our wood stove every night for the last 5-6 days..
The wood pile is lasting due to weirdly warm weather.
Rachel got the stomach flu, but it only lasted 24 hours.
We have been spared, so far..
Dear friends, whom we haven't seen or heard from in years, contacted us.
I've had strength to minister to my family.
Long naps.
Calls from friends asking how Tim is faring.
Tim being able to hold me, instead of pillows..
Hannah calling and sharing her life with us.
Praying for her over the phone tonight.
The Word spoken over me..
our home fellowship groups

Must head for bed..please keep praying he will heal up well.

Thankful for grace,

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