Friday, July 13, 2012

No comments

It's like this--a blog is supposed to be about my life with God.  It's supposed to encouraged you, make you smile and keep you updated on my life. I share Scripture.  God's Word.  The Bible.  Even my journal entries make it here from time to time.  Feel guilty when I don't blog daily.  I think the last one I read concerning this was written by a man.  With no children.  Sigh...

I try to be real.  Genuine.  I share hurts and pain, cancer struggles and yes, I admit to checking my blog to see if anyone "commented."  I also get on fbook more than once a day, to check other people's lives.  I guess if I added up the minutes spent, I'd be flabbergasted.

If you've gone this far, you will also now know that I am taking a sabbatical from the book of face.  I have read about people's sexual escapades, seen pictures of loved ones I miss so, seen links that are recommended by Christians that are NOT Christian, been encouraged by a few girlfriends and laughed at people's idea of "fun."  It can be used for good, but woe to you if you express your opinion or comment on someone elses.  Geeze louise. Honestly, it is an ok way to communicate, but I  prefer an old fashioned phone call or a face to face.

Comments.  Are there any?


Pick up the Bible.  God uses those words on the page to speak to you.  Those comments, those instructions, those words are life.  They bring comfort in pain.  Help in trouble.  Joy in sorrow.  Growth in the desert of life.
I'm telling myself this you guys.  I'm not preaching at you.  The Holy Spirit of God has been wooing me back to Him.

I'm going to listen this time and give Him my full attention.

He is faithful,

P.S. Call, write or email!! Love to hear from you!!!

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