Tracks I made going down into Wonderworld
11 weeks after a knee replacement, I was given the okie dokie to go snow shoeing today!!Jack always stayed behind, walking in my hard earned tracks. Smart he is. Oh how he loves snow!
Lucy blithered everywhere--always looking for her imaginary lights. She was always ahead of me, blazing her own trail. To those who have met Lucy, this should be no surprise. She follows no one.
Whew! After about an hour, it felt good to get home!
Being able to get out today was a pure gift. Like I mentioned earlier, 11 weeks ago, I had a total knee replacement. I had a hard time due to the fact that I couldn't really take narcotics because my body does not like them and neither do I.SEVERE side effects would have made recovery unbearable. Tylenol, and something a tad stronger actually worked. It made for very pain filled visits to physical therapy however, because they had to start bending it, and wow. Talk about pain and wanting to rip someone's lips was excruciating.
Now, I go three times a week, work out for about an hour and I tell you--this has been HUGE in my recovery.
I was pondering as I trudged through the deep, deep snow this afternoon. One of the major reasons I like snow shoeing so greatly? It's quiet. I can think. I can pray. I laugh at the dogs. I reflect.
The bonus is that I get an awesome cardio and shed some major calories.
In 11 weeks I have seen God's people rise to my aid, to my family's aid. We were prayed over and for.
We received amazing meals. One precious gal drove my daughters hither and yon. Mom drove our mongo suburban to PT, (she's 5 feet 2 on a good day), Tim took me to all my follow up visits, and to PT when the weather was too risky for Mom. We had groceries given to us! Last week someone gave me about 8 pounds or so of venison, because they weren't able to help me out during my recovery due to stuff going on in their own lives.. I am so blessed!!
Personally, the recovery has been tough. I had much scar tissue inside to begin with and I guess this makes a rougher go of it after surgery..I begged for 90 degrees of bend for some time and wasn't getting it. I would see another person at PT who was only a few weeks down the road and they were getting way better results!
I told myself today that fear has quite the power in my life because I let it. My PT had warned me of the ramifications-- if I didn't get to 90degrees by the next time I saw my ortho surgeon doc. I was scared of more pain inflicted my this big, strong doctor and possibly more surgery, etc.
I saw him and I was only at 87 degrees. I felt deflated. He seemed ok with it and from there, I decided my fear was really holding me back.
Now I can hit 90 on my own, and have been around 100 for the past two weeks!! I have even been able to get on the bike and pedal forwards!! Was backwards for the longest while..
It's odd to me, all that I've been through, that I would entertain fear again as such a welcome guest.
Hannah got me a CD for Christmas, entitled OVERCOMER by a sweet gal named Mandisa.
I loved the title track song and it became my theme. Still is.
Really as a believer in Jesus Christ, what or whom do I have to fear?
Only God.
Not death.
Not life.
Not angels.
Or principalities.
Or things present.
Or things to come.
Not powers.
Not height, nor depth, nor any other created thing...
Nothing can separate me from the love of God.
Not knee surgeries.
Not breast cancer.
Not fear of its return.
Not finances.
Not cars being stupid.
Thanks God for Your great love..thank You for loving me perfectly through this time of pain, pills, ice machines and physical therapy. You are good. I love You so.
He is faithful,
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